Lemon Peel Weight Loss Drink - Healthy Lifestyle

Lemon Peel Weight Loss Drink

oday in this post I will share with you a magical weight lose drink. No-Diet, No-Exercise – Drink This Magical Water to Lose Weight.
This is truly an amazing trick for fast weight loss, in just second week of regular use you can feel difference in your weight
To prepare this weight loss drink you will need just 1 ingredient and that is lemon
  1. Take 4-5 lemons, wash them in drinking water
  2. Squeeze juice of all these lemons, separate seeds. Here we will need peel also so do not throw them out
  3. In a pan take 2 litres of water. Add lemon peel is this and boil the water for 30 minutes
  4. After 30 minutes filter this peels water
  5. Add juice of lemon in this water
  6. Your weight loss drink is ready, Transfer this drink to bottle
You have to drink 1 glass of this water 1 hour before every meal
1 Komentar untuk "Lemon Peel Weight Loss Drink"

Thanks for sharing different types of fruits and juice, this will help you to create Best Hangover Drink for young age people.

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